Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Flex Builder 2 : BETA now on Labs.

You can now download the latest version of Flex Builder 2 and get a head start on creating some fantastic Rich Internet Applications.


Flex Builder 2 also comes with Flash Player 8.5 - so you're testing out quite a bit of the latest new technology.

There are also great tutorials and such on the Labs site to get you started with Flex Builder if you've never used it.

If you'd like a monthly session on Flex Builder and what it is and what it can do - please leave a comment.


Community Commitment Message from Adobe

Some members were interested in finding out more about the Macromedia to Adobe changeover and how things will be handled. This is the first of many messages that I will post on here to let you know how things are going. All in all Adobe has been great and very welcoming.

We will receive many benefits in being part of such a large development / design community. The strong community was one of the main reasons why Macromedia was so successful.

This is a Breezo outlining Adobe's commitment to the community
. Adobe President & COO, Shantanu Narayen, was kind enough to provide us with this and it can now be seen at this URL: http://adobe.breezecentral.com/drupdate0106/

Welcome to Flash Focused.

Hi All,

Well, here is my first post to our group blog. There is a ton of information that I want to pass along to you all - but the first is a "thanks"

Thanks for making this group what it is. Together - we can make it better. We can grow it and make it a great resource for Flash Platform, Adobe and general web knowledge.

We just finished our first meeting of the year. It was a good turnout with the majority of the group being new members. I can tell that this is going to be an exciting year as the new members were ready to begin. Unfortunately we had some "glitches" with the presentation, but fill the gap with open floor discussion.

I look forward to next month's meeting - which is by the way on February 27th. There will be more news to come about the topic and I'll post it here once we have the presenter secured.

Speaking of securing speakers - we have managed to get R. Blank to present to the group via Breeze for our May meeting. I'm extremely excited about having the opportunity to have R. discuss one of their most recently launched projects.

If you know of speakers that you'd like to hear from, please feel free to email me and let me know. I will do all that I can to secure the best speakers for our group meetings.

So - I'll end this post by saying thanks again for your continued support in making the group the best it can be and I look forward to 2006 - the year of the Flash Platform.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

FlashFoward Conference & Film Festival

The 15th Flashforward Conference & Film Festival will take place at the Washington State Convention Center in Seattle, 2/27 – 3/1.

Visit our site for more details! http://www.a3mug.com

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Flash Focused Meetings for 2006

Date Speaker Topic Room
January 30, 2006 Justin Kozuch Flash Video WCC - BE 240
February 27, 2006 TBA TBD WCC - BE 240
March 27, 2006 TBA TBD WCC - BE 240
April 24, 2006 TBA TBD WCC - BE 240
May 22, 2006 TBA TBD WCC - BE 240

Be sure to visit Flash Focused to keep current with any changes to this schedule.
